Actifile – Cybrilliance Partner Branded Videos Sales Accelerator Program

Cybrilliance the global master distributor of our chosen solutions, making unbiased recommendations from carefully chosen technology provider offerings allowing you to achieve wider visibility, protection and access of your data is excited to announce a new partner sales video accelerator program to help shorted the sales cycle, improve content quality and much more. As Gordon Cowan Cybrilliance CEO, noted “the goal is to help partners and their customer with sales tools that really accelerate sales, ease the customer education process and provide an overall better customer experience.”

To signup to be a Cybrilliance partner:

Please visit this webpage


Each of the following quick sales videos below can be branded with your logo on each scene along with at the end company name, contact and website as shown here.

Key Benefits – Sell Faster, Farther, Deeper, Easier, 7×24 with Real ROI than any other medium with Quick Sales Videos.

Videos also reduces sales and support costs by providing consistent quality content reducing confusion across all customer audiences.

QSV-enhances sales prospecting by customer “self-service” learning, along with ongoing quick FAQs and simplify ongoing training to all audiences.

And from a real customer, “SocialStreamingTV has done more than a dozen business videos on our solutions with exciting results. These are quick 2-minute dynamic videos, produced with exciting video and leading-edge AI-generated audio, making them fast-paced, factual, functional, and format-ready for smartphone viewers along with real ROI.”

If you are ready to go contact or call Tom Cross at 303-594-1694 to accelerate your sales today.


These video and scripts are for demonstration purposes – click on image for each product video.

Cybrilliance Solutions Videos

Core Features in Actifile Cyber Resilience Solution via Cybrilliance Inc.

The Actifile Data Security Platform (DSP) can locate and secure sensitive data, calculate potential financial penalties and liabilities and instantly remediate those vulnerabilities with a one-click encryption process.

Actifile is different in that it combines many of the critical attributes of a Data Security Governance framework, such as Data Classification, Data Monitoring, Data Risk Assessment,

Privacy Impact Assessment and Financial Data Risk Assessment.

Installs in minutes, results in hours and no integration necessary.

Automated data monitoring and risk assessment that is always up to date.

Discovered and monitored data is never exposed to the administrator.

Continuous financial impact analysis aligned to your privacy and governance regulations.

Adaptive data centric encryption makes sensitive data completely unreadable in the event of a breach.

Sensitive data is secured anywhere it travels, on any device.

Secure data management and exchange throughout your supply chain and IT ecosystems.

Actifile constantly patrols your IT ecosystem protecting against both internal and external threats.

Sensitive data detection and automated data mapping operates 24/7 allowing instant remediation of vulnerabilities with one-click encryption.

Cyber Resilience “Must Haves” for Every Organization via Cybrilliance Inc.

Cyber resilience is vital for business continuity.

It provides benefits beyond increasing an enterprise’s cyber security posture, and reduces the risk of exposure to its critical infrastructure.

Cyber resilience, when implemented effectively minimizes operational impact, helping to reduce financial loss and reputational damage. 

Cyber resilience increases a company’s competitive advantage through effective, efficient and rapidly responsive operations.

Here are four must-haves.

Applying adequate levels of information security proficiency, and resilience affects how well an organization can continue operations with little to no downtime.

Cyber resilience must proactively manage risks, along with threats and vulnerabilities to mitigate the effects, on critical information and business-supporting assets.

Cyber resilience should incorporate governance, risk management, an understanding of data ownership and incident management.

Assessing these characteristics demands experience and deeper diligence than before.

Effective cyber resilience must be an enterprise-wide risk-based strategy.

A collaborative approach driven from executives to every organization, partners, supply chain participants and customers.

TERMS – $100 each prepaid for forever use. Video provided within 24 hours in .MP4 format after receipt of payment and logo, constact and website. Any other changes to text will take longer and depending on changes requested and may require Cyrbrilliance approval, though special versions for vertical markets, specific customer mentions, and by personas like CEO, CFO, etc. are doable though budget would be about $500 each.

Additonal posting on Linkedin to the largest Linkedin group for MSPs of 18.3K is available for $50 per post which includes Tom Cross’ Linkedin profile of 13.8K or more than 32K+ and growing.

Additional custom video services are available to showcase all you products in similar ways with short-form videos.

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