A “Standards” Approach to Better Candidate Communication with Multi-Media Job Descriptions
Bringing faster, easier, more lasting candidates streamlining human resource, hiring communications.
“Techtionary is a powerful solution for bringing consensus solution to job descriptions as candidates don’t apply for jobs and descriptions they don’t understand. Confusing terms lead to major disconnects between the hiring manager and the candidate, wasting enormous time with interviews of candidates who don’t like our culture or managers and more. Now with Techtionary, HR and and hiring managers are much closer in building descriptions using terms and especially technical acronyms that often only a few people understand what they really mean. This has lead to reduced time to post, resume review processes, initial candidate interviews and shorter hiring cycles. Moreover, we find candidates onboard faster and put their skills to work much faster. We are now expanding this concept to product flyers, sales training and other classes and across other departments who see the advantages of this concept. It really works making everyone more productive, vastly improved team communications along with finding new applications daily along with increasingly our organizational velocity and revenues.” J.B. CEO
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When candidates apply for jobs, they see a vast menagerie of confusing terms.
Terms like fast-paced, drive strategy, be a trusted source, deliver ROI.
Others like passionate, enthusiastic, professional, personable, and confident, yet what do they really mean.
Each of these alone is perplexing but when mixed together it leads to confusion.
After decades of guiding companies in growth, turnarounds and more.
We have come to the conclusion that a “standards” approach to candidate communications is critical.
That is, simply the use of standard glossary or dictionary of terms with in depth definitions and detailed explanations.
For example, when a candidate mouses over a term in the job description they see what that really means.
In as much detail that the company can agree on.
Because if you don’t understand the terms yourself, how could you expect anyone else to?
This means you build a standard dictionary if you want to help people understand their real meaning.
And when new concepts, acronyms or terms are used they can be added to the dictionary.
Moreover, hiring managers and others can build job descriptions based on standard terminology.
We know this works and is offered to help you reduce your hiring cycle, hire-fire ratio and other KPIs.
Oh, KPIs are key performance indicators and are these real internal measurements used by executives.
When everyone agrees on what everyone really means helps everyone.
We leave you with this idea “when in doubt, define it”.
The Techtionary glossary system is coming to Level 3 Features by February 1 – click here for feature details.
Explore this and more cross@gocross.com