New LiveStreaming360 Upgrade

New StreamingLive360 is the expanded private label integrated social media and live streaming platform

Here’s a new 1-minute on this innovative solution:

Nearly all CEO’s interviewed expressed they are engaged in complex company-wide digital now virtual transformations. Yet, they see integration of virtual business models driven by upheavals in their own customer channels and dynamics.

Social streaming TV is a social media solution together with live video streaming accelerating connections with fans, followers and viewers.

This is a private label application placed on customers websites allowing customers to produce education, industry news, live events and social media influence as well as thought leaders, global experts, enterprise leaders and inspiration speakers.

Private social media and streaming can bring new content-driven marketplaces, to help organizations navigate increasingly complex technologies and markets.

As a result, Social Streaming TV can provide unparalleled branding, thought leadership and customer experiences.

Social Streaming TV can bolster and enhance brand reputations with a new approach to provide simultaneous live TV channels to potentially millions of  impressions in display advertising on customer news sites and newsletters.

Social Streaming TV also provides comprehensive virtual event and management talent training services and custom content creation.Take action today to bring together social media and live streaming TV.

Bottom-line – Produce and deliver live streaming video to millions of viewers with 55+ simultaneous channels and social media from viewers and producers alike.

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