Buying or Selling Your MSP – MSSP – IT Business Even Easier

Here are 8 steps to get you to your next adventure in easily – Watch the 2-minute for more.

1 – Kick Off – organize business data from Seller and build Confidential Profile.

including a Transition Plan and Timeline.

2 – Marketing Campaign – develop a curated marcom campaign particular to buyer – seller

goals and concerns.

Launch campaign and develop custom market valuation analysis.

3 – Buyer Seller + Investor Outreach.

Conduct follow up calls with hand-selected buyers.

Put NDA and document signature management in place.

Provide introductions to buyers sellers and investors.

4 – Management Meetings – Seller and buyer as needed prepare needed company documents and as requested, responds to due diligence issues.

5 – Legal – get additional legal representation if none in place with M&A experience.

Letter of Intent – LOI is submitted by buyers/investors of mutual interest from seller.

6 – Negotiation & Due Diligence.

Buyer – Seller negotiate and signs LOI, enters into exclusivity period with one buyer to complete due diligence.

Negotiate Purchase Legal Agreement.

7 – Close Transaction – Seller & Buyer teams prepare press releases and announcements.

8 – Wealth creation – go and enjoy life or optionally guide the buyer.

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