Seeking Select Smart Factory Solutions Providers for SmartFactory.TV
“Customers are not going to buy from, workers not work for, investors not invest in and CxO’s not going to lead companies who are not recognized leaders in ESG – Environmental, Social, and Governance.” DP CEO.
Excellence in ESG will be one of the most paramount efforts in the Smart Factory and why SmartFactory.TV will highlight ESG-driven solutions providers and their customers.
Here are a few examples how ESG impacts brand reputation.
Eight out of ten CEOs even believed that ESG issues were increasingly important.
75% of that pressure comes from customers and clients.
65% of consumers and workers are increasingly demanding that social responsibility comes first.
75% of consumers are changing their preferences based on sustainability.
46% of employees would only work for a company with sustainable practices.
Greenwashing allegations can be dangerous for the image of the company.
Source: report.
In preparing for the launch of SmartFactory.TV we are seeking a select set of smart factory solutions providers to be founding sponsors. Limited to one or few per category such as supply chain, AI, machine learning, cognitive and autonomous robotics, connected suppliers, internet of things IoT, industrial IoT, materials handling, inventory management, hiring/staffing/training, digital twins, building architecture, buildings materials, transportation, video quality and surveillance, networking, software solutions, computing and devices of all kinds, wired and wireless communications, semiconductors, metals, protection systems, safety, order tracking, product design – development – delivery, product recalls, quality, process management and automation, sales/marketing, cybersecurity, all forms of IT, prototyping, cloud, augmented reality, RFID, special solutions from batteries, labor relations, motors, plastics, glass and any others, cellular 5G and small cells, lean-agile development, lean Six Sigma, environment protection and waste management, compliance, professional services, ESG governance, regulatory/legal, analytics and others.
From stealth, startup, growth and major players including industry specific providers and others we are seeking thought leaders, innovators and proven providers.
One of the immediate benefits is promotion in the largest Linkedin group on smart factory here
Here is the MediaKit for SmartFactory.TV and ChannelPartner.TV
For details on sponsorship options, please email or call 303-594-1694.