Five Ways to Engage with Visitors Before, During and After Resort and Leisure Travel Tourism
Tourism in all its forms is changing virtually everyday. Here are five ways to engage with visitors virtually before, during and after their visit.
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First, engage with visitors globally via video streaming with live and ondemand videos of rides, restaurants museums, services and fun.
Second, engage with visitors virtually by sharing with them upclose and personal amenities from spas, pools, yoga, meditation and more.
Third, engage with visitors virtually by bringing in nearby restaurants, parks, shopping and everything else.
Fourth, engage with visitors virtually by going behind the scenes and showing them more of what you are and have to offer.
Fifth, show them the vast potential of all your places to visit from one venue to hundreds to show them how great you really are !
SSTV develops and delivers global video streaming with an ecommerce marketplace to create your private branded social media network to optimize onsite and online engagement.
SSTV provides you with a private-label video streaming network on with up to fifty simultaneous streaming TV channels.
The SSTV streaming marketplace platform also includes an unlimited virtual event solution and multi-media newsfeed.
Build your own custom virtual resort, beach and vacation destination with an ondemand video news network.
Expand your gifts and resort store offerings virtually with your own and others.
Take action today to get an innovative virtual and live visitor engagement platform now. Click on image to get started.