Launched with CheerFash
Be a CheerleadersChampion(tm) with CheerleadersTV streaming selling – video producers can publish up to 50 simultaneous live video global video channels 7×24 and “Buy Now” call to action buttons direct to your products and solutions. You can have private 1:1 and 1:X multiperson classes, meetings and virtual events and webinars along with video content library.
If you are making or selling you win with CheerleadersTV promoting your fitness athletic wear, training, uniform skirt, uniforms and tops, bodysuits, cheer camps, cheer chants, lightsticks, coaching, travel, team gear, biker shorts, pompoms, jewelry, action sneakers, cheerleading shoes, cheer stand, T shirts, foam gear, athletic skorts, baseball caps, slide sandals, swag, souvenirs, flipflops, sweatpants, disposable masks, megaphone, custom iphone cases, makeup, beauty aids, glitter makeup, vitamins, compression shorts, sports bras, sunglasses, hair care, hair ties, tanning, skin care, cosmetics, hydration, sports nutrition, jeans, sleeperwear, sleeping earplugs, backpacks, cinch sacks, smartphones, massage and physical therapy, counseling, mental health, phone charger, practice gear, performance gear, dance wear, camping and camp gear and wear, uniforms, fashion, apparel, bobbleheads, trophies, warmups, luggage, totes, mats, water bottles, healthcare, meds, team scheduling, emergency room, travel mugs, room decor, hydration, energy bars, firstaid kits, stunt stands, stunt bands, ring light, vacation, video editors, ride sharing, bus charter, cruising, tourism, travel air and cruise line, tension sleeves, knee sleeves, performance socks, and much more.
Get your Forever-Free Digital Business Card Today via
- Add your DigitalBusinessCard to all your social media posts and profiles, email signature line, website, text messages, paper business card, ad banners, billboards and more.
- Add videos, podcasts, articles, calls-to-action links, buy-now buttons and more.
Here is a personal place to headline your social efforts across your social media platforms, personal sites along with videos, podcasts and articles.
Accelerate your social presence today – forever-free at
Corporate Program – For businesses and organizations upgrade to the private-branded corporate version for internal news updates, staff promotions, social messages, thought leadership, event banners, messaging and more.
Partner Program – If you are interested in being a DBC partner – visit
DBC Award – “ is a powerful business solution for everyone involved in sales, support and customer communications. Being more personal with customer communication enhances personal business connections and networking.
Having a DigitalBusinessCard builds credibility, leadership and personality, now the new “must-have” for everyone. is now recognized with the Super Power Award.”
Dan Baldwin, Executive Director, Telecom Association
Build CheerFash Now
Let us show you how to build an ecommerce site around all these products and other solutions you may have.
Banner Advertising
Banner ads are available in 5-second increments up to 30-seconds starting at $100 a month plus options for multi-channel video streaming along with content library, webinars – virtual events and much more. Email or call 303-594-1694